The book contains 52 pages only It is written in question question-answer form for easy understanding of readers It has 3 parts PART. 1 : Nirbhaya Law/Criminal law Amendment Act 2013 1. Background of the Amendment 2. Sexual Harassment 3. Yoyeurism 4. Stalking 5. Trafficking 6. Rape 7. Gang rape 8. Disrobing a woman 9. Acid attack 10. Outraging the modesty of a woman 11. Insult to the modesty of a woman 12. Hospital’s responsibility in treating the victim 13. Responsibility of public servant 14. Identification of an arrested person by a mentally disabled etc 15. Procedure in recording information of a mentally disabled victim etc 16. Enquiry from a woman etc regarding by the police officer 17. Examination of a rape victim 18. Obscene Book etc 19. A woman’s previous sex life regarding 20. Evidence of a dump witness 21. Inter-caste and inter- religious marriages 22. Honour Killing 23. Dowry Death PART 11 Protection of Children from Sexual offences Act 2012(POCSO) 1. Law to Protect children from sexual offences 2. Various types of sexual offences 3. Child Welfare Committee 4. Recording of the statement of a child PART.111 RIGHT TO SELF DEFENCE 1. Woman’s Right to self defence 2. Exercise of self defence About the author Sr.Jessy Kurian, (St.Ann’s of Providence) is an advocate practising in the Supreme Court of India. She was the Member of National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions, Govt of India. She was born and brought up at Kannur, Kerala. She has authored booklets for Legal Educational Series like Right to Information Act, Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence, Dowry Prohibition Act, Criminal Law Amendment Act. Her outstanding contribution to the cause of women is the the book titled “Women: Laws and Judicial Pronouncements, which contains all Indian laws and land mark Judgements regarding women Sr.Jessy has completely dedicated her life to the mission of empowering the weaker sections of society. Her NGO called “Citizen’s Rights” too is to empower the women, children and the weaker sections with legal literacy. Know Your Rights against Sexual Offences” is a hand book of safety and protection for every woman and child. It teachers women and children of their rights and the remedies when their rights are violated. It aims at empowering women and children to protect themselves from crimes against them. The book mainly deals with “Criminal law Amendment Act 2013, Protection children from Sexual Offences Act2012 and one’s Right to Self Defence”. This booklet highlights the women’s rights against rape, sexual harassment, stalking, acid attack, voyeurism etc. it is a guide-book for all girl children and young women and minor boys of our country The objective of publishing the book in Kerala: The objective of publishing the book in TVM is that now that sexual offences against children are increasing in Kerala, I want to give an awareness to the children regarding their rights against such offences.